INFORMATION LETTER February 19, 1996

INFORMATION LETTER February 19, 1996

To: All Distributors, Health Professionals & Researchers From: Bob Musack President, C & M Laboratories Int'l, Inc.

I had the pleasure of meeting with Gottfried Lange M.D. Iast week on his trip over here from Germany. We discussed some of the clinical research results that he and his associate Dr. Martin Keymer had come up with in using the T. J. Clark minerals. Dr's Lange and Keymer have been using the minerals for about six years now. Dr. Lange specializes in toxicology and how pollutants effect the absorption of nutrients at the cellular level.

According to Dr. Lange, nutrients carried by the blood stream are prevented or blocked from reaching the cells by pollutants stored in the connective tissue. He explained that most people have the misconception that the cells are adjacent to the blood stream and easily receive the nutrients. This is not true, he says, the nutrients must travel a distance through the connective tissue and if this tissue is contaminated with pollutants, little or none of the nutrients can reach the cells.

He went on to explain that the T. J. Clark minerals have the unusual ability to attract and flush out these pollutants, thereby allowing the maximum absorption of nutrients from foods, vitamins and other food supplements.

Dr. Keymer's work correlated with this and his conclusion was that the Clark minerals greatly reactivated the mesencyme. The mesencyme is an embryonic layer in the body from which the connective tissue, muscles, and the circulatory and lymphatic system develop. Consistent use is therefore recommended.

These studies and conclusions, along with the test done by professor Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, show the Clark minerals to be a basic supplement that everyone should have added to their daily diet to assure a balance of these natural colloidal minerals. And that continued use would make an effective combatant against today's pollution factors and would greatly increase the quality of one's energy level, overall health and longevity.

Health professionals and researchers who wish to correspond with Dr. Lange, may call or write me for his fax number.